Recipe: Asparagus Tortelloni with Lemon Butter



Prep Time

2 mins

Cook Time

3 mins

Total Time

5 mins




Asparagus features heavily in Italian cooking as Italy is the largest producer of green asparagus in Europe. We love making our signature hand folded tortelloni with asparagus and we couldn’t resist putting it on our first menu as this lovely vegetable is in season. Paired with a lemon butter to add a slight acidity and a touch of Parmesan for saltiness this dish is perfect for a lovely Spring lunch or dinner.


250 g La Tua Pasta Asparagus Tortelloni
30 g La Tua Pasta Lemon Butter
30 g Parmigiano Reggano

Please note that some essential ingredients may
be listed in the recipe but not included when purchasing.


In a large sauce pan add 1 litre of salted water for every 100g of pasta. For 250g of pasta add 2.5 litres of water.

Bring the water to a gentle boil and put in the Tortelloni.

Cook for 3 – 4 and a half minutes depending on preference.

Gently heat the lemon butter a frying pan without burning it and transfer the tortelloni using a slotted spoon making sure that some of the starchy pasta waster makes it into the pan with the lemon butter. (The starchy pasta water is part of the dish.) You can always add 1 tablespoon of pasta water after if you would like.

Gently coat the tortelloni with the lemon butter, plate and garnish with Parmesan.

Buon Appetito!

Asparagus Tortelloni with Lemon Butter

Original price was: £10.05.Current price is: £9.50.

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