
Pasta Recipes

Trofie alla Genovese is your golden ticket to a flavour-packed adventure that will transport you straight to Italy....

This pasta salad offers a unique twist in its preparation method, but it’s just as quick, easy and...

Delight your al fresco dinner companions with this Italian summer pasta staple: Tagliatelle alla Nerano. This dish originates...

A beloved recipe originating from Emilia-Romagna, this dish is everything you want: warming, flavourful, restorative and delectable –...

An impressive Mediterranean-style pasta dish that’s made with king prawns, cherry tomatoes and Pistachio Pesto. Turn supper into...

Bring your supper to life with the bright and cheerful colours of this dish. Our Beetroot Gnocchi and...

A classic combination that never disappoints – the flavours of Pumpkin & Ricotta perfectly complement when paired with...

The fresh sweetness of pear with the tangy sharp flavour of creamy Gorgonzola is the perfect pairing for...

Italians love having Lasagne for Sunday lunch when it’s time to gather with all their relatives around good...

Black truffle tortelloni and truffle butter is a robust expression of all things truffle. In this recipe we...

Our braised beef and black truffle is slow-cooked with red wine to marinate all the flavours. Built on...

Try our take on this traditional Sorrentina recipe, originating from the picturesque Amalfi coast. Our adaptation of this...

Trofie al Pesto is one of the most classic Ligurian dishes. Trofie is naturally vegan as it made...

The three key ingredients in this dish all come from southern Italy. The classic style of Orecchiette made...

Pappardelle with Wild Boar Ragu is a traditional dish from Tuscany. This rich and hearty wild boar ragu...

This surprisingly simple to prepare yet refined recipe uses Nduja, a spicy spreadable pork salami with a fiery...

Calling all truffle lovers! Tartufata is a potently delicious condiment made with olive, truffle & mushroom; this recipe...

Filled gnocchi with tomato and mozzarella is the heart of this dish but we add a not so...

A variant on a classic flavour. Spinach Ricotta ravioli is probably one of the most revered filled ravioli...

Black truffle tortelloni and truffle butter is a robust expression of all things truffle. In this recipe we...

Arrabbiata in Italian literally means ‘Angry’ as it refers to the spicy peppers that add heat to this...

This traditional Italian pasta sauce is jam-packed with flavour. The depth of savoury Guanciale and the sweetness of...

The true recipe of this traditional Roman dish is famously a topic of much debate between chefs and...

Wild Boar or ‘Cinghiale’ is a classic Tuscan flavour. Often this dish is made as a slow cooked...

Delica pumpkin is a classic Italian flavour. All of our pumpkins are grown by Armando, our pumpkin farmer,...

Nduja is synonymous with the region of Calabria. This region of Italy is famous for enjoying the heat...

This recipe balances the taste of salty Pancetta & creamy Walnut Pesto for a warming supper dish. You...

Flat leaf parsley butter and Mushrooms are often put together in Italian cooking. In this dish we use...

Pumpkin with fresh Genovese pesto is a lovely fresh, bright combination. Our pumpkins are sourced from our long-term...

In this dish we take one of our best loved products Tortelloni with Tomato & Mozzarella and we...

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