
How to cook your perfect pasta & butter sauce

How to cook your perfect pasta & butter sauce
  1. In a large pot add 1 litre of salted water for every 100g of pasta. For 250g of pasta add 2.5 litres of water. Be generous with the salt – you water should taste like the sea!
  2. Bring the water to a gentle boil and lower your fresh pasta into the pot. Separate any long shapes so they don’t stick together too much. Don’t worry about the extra rice flour in the packet -it’s just there to keep your pasta from clumping together – but it doesn’t need to go in the pot!
  3. Cook for 3 – 4 minutes – 1-2 minutes less than whatever the instructions on the back dictate – we want to finish the cooking in the saucepan and keep the pasta a bit al dente.
  4. While the pasta is boiling, gently heat the butter in a frying pan being careful not to burn it. Transfer the pasta into the pan with the butter using a slotted spoon. Make sure that some of the pasta water makes it into the pan as adding some of the starchy pasta water not only adds flavour, but also helps the sauce cling to the pasta. Gently swirl and stir – helping the pasta release its starch and emulsifying the sauce! Add a few more spoons of pasta water if you like.
  5. Gently coat the pasta with the butter sauce as you plate and garnish with your favourite topping!

    Buon Appetito!

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