Experience the authentic flavours of Italy with our carefully curated preserves. From sun-ripened tomato, Mushroom & Truffle Sauce and Red Pesto to delicious Taggiasche Olives. Our versatile preserves provide flavour and texture to help enhance your pasta dishes, elevate bruschetta, sandwiches, and even charcuterie platters. Crafted with the finest ingredients, our preserves guarantee convenience and quality.
Our pasta has won over 100 awards, including the prestigious Guild of Fine Food Awards, making it the most-awarded pasta in the UK.
La Tua Pasta
Unit 4, Nucleus Park, Central Way, London NW10 7XT
+44 (0) 20 8961 8024
Enquires: info@latuapasta.com
Orders: orders@latuapasta.com
Copyright © 2025, La Tua Pasta